Giving Thanks for a Warm & Cozy Thanksgiving
Linking Neighbors in the Arlington Woods Neighborhood
BOO! Home Repair Doesn't Have to be Scary!
The Smith's Bean Creek Neighborhood Home
Golden Hoosier Award
9 tips to help prevent falls in your home
Introducing Our New Executive Director
The Last Chapter, A Senior Finds Renewed Purpose
Volunteer Spotlight: Jay
Neighbors Make A Place A Home
News Release: NeighborLink Indianapolis Founder to Retire Appoints New Executive Director
Three Lessons From Volunteering with NeighborLink Indianapolis
We're Hiring! Project Coordinator (BY Plus)
Impact 100 Change-Maker Finalist
Linking Up: Elements Financial and NeighborLink Connect to Serve Indy Community
A Look at Mental Health & Service
43 Years and Counting
Volunteering as a Future Homeowner
Introducing the COVID Recovery Initiative
Buffalo Soldiers Garage Tear Down